Mind over Matter
What it really means
It boils down to perspective.
It is all about attitude.
It is the mindset you have.
There are numerous ways to say the same thing. The reason why it is such a popular phrase is because it is the truth.
I recently came across a video of Dr. Bruce Lipton discussing his theory on why we struggle to accept certain things in our lives, among other things including self healing and the matrix.
It’s because it was never programmed into us. The idea is that between infancy to the age of 7 children learn everything they need to define their character. These are the years they are moulded to have the most impact in their lives.
The Jesuit faith have apparently been practicing “child programming” so to speak since time immemorial.
Children learn from observation and for the first 7 years of their lives, they exist in a state of hypnosis based on their brain frequency; hence their wild imagination. It is all real to them
Now when it comes to adults we do struggle with so many different things. It may seem foreign to us because it seemed great at first before you realized this is not why you want.
Gambling, marriage, self-esteem, healthy eating habits, how to treat others with respect the list is endless. That also includes how you think.
Do you think you can start and have a successful business?
Graduate from college?
Have a happy marriage?
Or a successful career?
It all started before you even knew it. Kindness and love for others was learned by observing their parents. If you eat what you want when you want and say what you want to whoever you want irrespective of the consequences; then it probably started when you were a toddler.
This just shows you that you have to be careful about what you do and when you do it and become conscious of it. Especially in front of the little ones.
But aside from that, the only way to pull through struggles and get peace of mind is either to eradicate the cause of your discomfort or embrace it.
Given that the cause of discomfort can be managed in a positive manner it could help looking for the silver lining. The root cause, what improvements can be made etc.
Changing your attitude, your mindset or your perspective can go a long way. Although it can be hard to start over, learn something you thought was impossible or go through something that seemed unbearable just a few days or months ago; it can be done.
It comes down to how much you want to survive, to change, to be happy or for whatever reason you feel would be worth adopting a different outlook on life.
In the end you may finally get some peace of mind.