The Marriage Trap

I want to be positive but this is a huge problem in modern marriages today

3 min readSep 1, 2019

In today’s society we know there are high rates of divorce and unhappiness in marriages. Actually at some point, you ask yourself what is marriage and what’s the point if you both plan of having ‘a something on the side’ even after saying ‘I Do’.

As if going in to marriage with half a mind was not enough of a problem, couples are confused about the roles they play in a marriage.Today, the roles have been reversed. Many women are educated bread winners, holding the fort down while the men are wallowing in self pity and confusion asking themselves what role they play in the home.

Can you be a feminist at home too?

Living in the feminist age(where feminism means something different to the next person),women are hell bent on putting on the pants and playing the damsel in distress when it suits them;(I mean, I still want to feel sexy and special) while men want to have the last word in the house and walk around untouchable. Not today. With all the confusion about who does what, what is okay and what’s not, modern marriage is a headache and a source for depression when couples don’t prepare for it.

Modern women are much more educated and way more confident, and they will not take double standard crap. On the other hand, men are competing with women for roles that were previously handed to them and their wives and much better at financial AND family planning. It’s new. It’s challenging.Couples need to adapt. Society needs to adapt. It is the only way to survive, to have a lasting and happy marriage.

So how do you deal with a traditional-ish man and a modern woman entering a marriage with different expectations?


You talk about and manage those expectations before jumping the gun, I mean broom.

Why? It’s simple if you don’t,you will end up in the marriage trap.

So what’s the marriage trap?

The marriage trap is happening everywhere. Maybe you are in it as you read it. Smart, beautiful educated, and yet you still feel you’re trapped in your parents’ marriage. Cooking, cleaning, doing homework with the kids and picking up the socks and serving dinner like it’s his birthday everyday AND, still leaving the house at 6:30 to beat traffic to make it to work on time.Like what the hell?

Does equality exist?

I feel like lately marriage has been playing out still in favor of the man irrespective of the strides women and men have made to make both parties accountable in marriages and engaged in the home at an almost equal level (okay, maybe 40% is more accurate). However, while our mothers spent the last 30 years educating and empowering their daughters, their sons did what they always did, waited for the upper-hand to be given to them only to find that the attention has shifted. Women were and are still being prepared by their mothers to be more.

the Balance has Shifted

Today, that balance has shifted and we have women who know exactly what they want and men not sure what do with such headstrong women. The result? Unhappy women taking on too much in their marriages, and the end result? Broken families.

So before we do the beautiful reception, fairytale white dress and imagine that entourage to the church or photo session; remember it goes beyond that. You both need to be prepared before you get into something you’re not ready for. It’s literally life changing. Think about it first.




Written by likeFreddie

Writing for life, about life| Est Sept 2017

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